Feature 1: Display Mouse Position

Input: Mouse location

Process: Subtract half of the screen width from x and half of screen width from y. This allows the position 0,0 to be in the center of the screen rather than the bottom left corner.

Output: Coordinates of where the mouse is relative to the center of screen

Difference: 0,0 is at the center of the screen

Feature 2: Paint Objects

Input: Left click or hold right click 

Process: For right click just create objects repeatedly as right click is held down. For left click, create one object where the user clicks and one on each side. This is mean to be a sort of larger brush size.

Output: Object(s) are drawn where the user clicks

Difference: The left click with a larger brush size is different.

Feature 3: Rotate All Primitives

Input: Button Click

Process: Get all gameobjects. If the gameobject is a cylinder, capsul, cube, or sphere, rotate it.

Output: Primitive painted objects are all rotated

Difference: A button is used to rotate all objects on the screen

Feature 4: Randomize Primitive 

Input: Button Click

Process: Generate a random number from 0-3. Each primitive type corresponds to one of the numbers. Change the type of primitive being created based on the number.

Output: Newly created objects will be a different primitive type (unless the random number picked the same type)

Difference: This randomizes the type of primitive rather than using a dropdown.

Feature 5: Choose Color

Input: Text input

Process: The user types in a color that changes the color variable that sets the color of newly created primitives.

Output: Newly created primitives will be the color the user inputs

Difference: This uses a text input rather than a dropdown

Feature 6: Rotate Camera

Input: Button click

Process: Move the camera forward then left. Rotate the camera view 90 degrees.

Output: Gives the user a different perspective of their painted objects. The objects are in the center and the camera rotates around them.

Difference: I cannot remember anything similar to this being done

Feature 7: Change Primitive Size

Input: Button click

Process: Make the scale of primitives slightly larger or smaller based on the button clicked

Output: The newly painted primitives are now smaller or larger

Difference: I used a button for size rather than a slider

Made withUnity